Workshops & Events
SF State Transforms offers a variety of workshops and events that promote institutional equity emphasizing systems to ensure the advancement of women of color faculty in STEM fields and other disciplines. We welcome suggestions for speakers and workshop areas.
Promoting Equity Among Colleagues
PERC Fellows work to reduce bias and related harms through using a restorative justice praxis. The PERC restorative justice practice is designed for all faculty (TT and lecturers) and staff and complements the BIET team working with students.
Scholarship Hubs
In centering intersectionality and equity, the ADVANCE transforms program is creating a variety of new spaces to support scholarship emphasizing cohort models that promote collaboration, inspiration, and shared brilliance for faculty research and scholarship. These Scholarship Hubs are open to all faculty (TT and lectures) to apply to become annual fellows with support for their engagement.
Sticky Issues
We are building pathways that guide department Chairs through more productive conversations about conflict and works in restorative practice models. Sticky Issues assists faculty leaders and peers in discourse and finding solutions that take care and create real change.
Sticky Issues is being piloted in the College of Science and Engineering's "Science Council," the meeting of Department Chairs. The plan is to institutionalize the effort into the University's Chairs Council and Academic Affairs.